Yesterday afternoon, I took my Mustang to the shop to have the driver's seat worked on. It's been broken since I bought the car in April of 04. I had it fixed once, but it broke again soon after -- I'm pretty sure that they just stuffed some extra foam in and called it good. Since Shane in in Kentucky, I am driving his Trail Blazer. Let me tell you, there is more than a little difference between a Mustang and a Trail Blazer. My Mustang sits very low to the ground and is very responsive - you barely have to turn the steering wheel to turn a corner. The Trail Blazer is much higher off the ground and the steering is very loose. Plus, it's considerably longer and wider than my teeny sports car! My garage is behind my house and the driveway goes up the north side of the house and through a very narrow gate to get there. I can back out doing about 20 mph in my Mustang. In the Trail Blazer, I literally have about 3 inches of clearance on either side of the truck - it was very slow going this morning, but I made it out of the driveway on the very first try. I was extremely proud of myself for not only sparing Shane's mirrors, but for avoiding running over my pampas grass - a feat I don't always accomplish in my 'Stang. Poor pampas grass - it's so abused!
Congratulations!! By the way...I'm probably the main "abuser" of the Pampas Grass...I just can't seem to miss the darn stuff!! :(
Like I said...glad I have insurance.
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