Inside the Mind

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Challenge. . .

So, this morning, I come in to find the following message from my boss:

"When/if you have time, would you e-mail me 5 interesting facts about yourself that the rest of us are unlikely to know about you?"

After spending most of the morning thinking about it (between other projects, of course), I came up with the list below (I even sent it to Shane, just to make sure that it met the "interesting" criteria LOL):

1) There is great debate among members of my family, but my first word may (or may not) have been "necklace". I choose to believe it was.

2) I once performed with the Carson and Barnes circus as an honorary clown. Said performance helped me overcome my fear of clowns. Unfortunately, the performance was interrupted by a tornado warning and a mad scramble for safety, resulting in an intense dislike of circuses in general. But clowns are ok now. Mostly. (I swear, it's a true story.)

3) I was in the Future Astronaut Training Program and considered attending the Air Force Academy.

4) I have a higher-than-average level of knowledge of the British royal family.

5) I am a decent shot with a handgun and have killed several very menacing targets.

So, my challenge to each of you is the same - in the comments, tell me 5 things that I might be surprised to know about you! It might be a challenge for Mom, Dad and Shane to come up with new things, but I know that we can come up with some fun things!


At March 11, 2008 4:09 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

I can't top this, but I'll try to contribute.

1) I appeared on a local children's show when I was about 4 years old and I was in the cookie jar. I believe I have the distinction of being the only kid ever put into the cookie jar who only took one cookie out of it. I'd planned on more, but Captain Wendy took them away before I got the chance to do more damage.

2) I am the first left-handed person I know of in my family--and that includes my extended family.

3) I wrote a little play that was published in a church program book.

4) I was engaged after going out with a fellow for only three months. It's lasted nearly 27 years (25 of them married), so I don't suppose we DID jump into it as much as folks thought at the time. =)

5) I instituted a band award that is in place in our high school up to this day, as far as I know. It is the Humpty Dumpty Award. At band camp that year, I rolled over my drums. You read right: it wasn't the drum roll; it was the roll over my drums that got me the award. I actually tripped, then flipped over my set of tritoms. I landed on my back while my tris remained in perfect position on my hips.

At March 12, 2008 10:27 PM, Blogger Shane said...

I stink at coming up with things like this...Let's see...

1) I was bitten by a monkey on my left index finger when I was 2.

2) I was 18 the first time I flew in an airplane. I took off, but I never landed. At least not in the airplane...

3) The only bone I've broken is my nose. But I've broken it 3 times. Yes. 3 times.

Hmmm...two more of these are going to take some thought...

At March 13, 2008 11:49 AM, Blogger Jody said...

Two days and I'm still thinking...I'm pretty much an open book...

At March 13, 2008 6:06 PM, Blogger Carolyn said...

Shane, you want to explain #2?

At March 13, 2008 7:09 PM, Blogger Shane said...


At March 16, 2008 9:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My turn (finally):

1. I have actively followed every Presidential election since 1988. (I was 9.) This election will be my 6th. I'm considering submitting for a half-day of vacation on the Wednesday after the election just so I can stay up late.

2. Likewise, I have closely followed every Olympiad since 1988. However, my World Series and Super Bowl followings started in the fall/winter of 1986-87. I had just turned 7 when the Mets beat the Red Sox.

3. I have always acted far older than my age. It shows in the fact that I have related far better (generally) to older people than to people my own age.

4. I have a difficult time coming up with things about myself that people don't already know.

At March 17, 2008 10:32 AM, Blogger Chasity said...

Wow. . . great responses so far!

Carolyn - LOVE #1 & I have to say, I would have only taken one cookie - but I would have wanted more! #4 sounds extremely familiar - pretty much Mom and Dad's story, too. It's fantastic! #5 has to be my favorite, though - it is TOTALLY something I would do. I am, however, impressed that you kept the drums on. That took skill!

Shane - LOL - that was one cranky spider monkey, too, as I recall. You got to be in the newspaper, though, so that was cool. #2 - I was older the first time I flew, but at least I landed IN the plane. #3 - it's a miracle that your nose is so normal looking after all the abuse it's suffered!

Rich - we are so alike sometimes that it actually frightens me! Right with you on #1, to the point that I was planning to take all of post-election Wednesday off because I foresee a tight race and hated having to go to bed in 2004 before results were in! #3 - my friends have generally been older, too. I also gravitate toward children, though - I tend to befriend anyone who isn't my age

These were all great - can't wait to hear from Mom, Dad, Candy, CJ, whoever may still be out there!

At March 20, 2008 11:46 AM, Blogger Jody said...

In 1968, my 8th grade year in school, I wrote a research paper about the affects of Marijuana and Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) on the human brain and body. The paper was condensed, made into a phamplet, and became a part of the library. Coincidentally, later that same year, I embarked on a six year journey through drug use, smoking marijuana regularly. However, the information that I had gleaned from research for the paper kept me from ever using LSD.

I have (at last count) ten brothers and sisters…but I remain an only child.

Not only am I ambidextrous, but I can perform a wide variety of ‘functions’ with my toes.

Many years ago, I was at a party which had been held in honor of David Carradine. He was in our little town for the purpose of filming an episode of Kung Fu, in which he played the character ‘Qui Chang Caine’. Unfortunately, the police raided the party and everyone spent the night at the police station. Though I did get toexperience the ambience of a paddy wagon…I did not get to meet David Carradine.

I once accumulated several dozen parking tickets in the glove compartment of my dad’s car. The ‘day of reckoning’ was ugly.

I was driving a car one time…at a speed in excess of 98 mph…when a passenger put the car in reverse. Never try this at home.

During the early 70s I logged a lot of miles on my thumb…yes I was a hitchhiking fool. (Fool being the operative word).

During the same period when I was hitchhiking, I also learned the ‘art’ of ‘spare changing’.

I once spent the night in the lobby of a VERY Cowboy hotel…in a TOTALLY cowboy town…with a group of hitchhiking pals…all of us long haired, barefooted, bell-bottomed hippies. We didn’t have the money for a room, and it was pouring down rain. For some unknown reason…we were not ejected, jailed, or beaten to a pulp.

I once stood before a poster of a very powerful and influential law enforcement figure…drawing a mustache and horns on his picture with a marker…when I turned to find him standing behind me. I smiled and shook his hand.


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