Inside the Mind

Monday, September 25, 2006

Mercy, where to start. It's been a busy month and the next month looks equally busy. A couple of weeks ago, I spent the week working in Kansas City, which was great. I loved the time that I spent living there from 1997-1998, and I will always have a soft spot in my heart for that beautiful city. Plus, some of my best friends are up there,so it was great to spend some time with them. Shane, Candy, Mom and Dad came up the last weekend that I was there and we had a good time celebrating Shane's birthday. This past weekend, Mom, Dad and I, along with Aunt Jan and Uncle Ray went to see Michael W. Smith in concert. Unfortunately, Aunt Jan and Uncle Ray ended up sitting two rows behind us and about 8 seats to the left. Oh, well. The concert was awesome (as usual). Smitty is hosting a cruise to Alaska next year - I would love to go on a cruise, but I'm not really interested in seeing Alaska. However, there is one thing that really made me ponder this particular cruise - Smitty will be doing a concert every night, and one of the nights will be "Smitty-oke". What the heck is "Smitty-oke" you ask -- well, you sing, and he plays the accompaniment. The cruise was tempting just for the opportunity to sing while MWS plays . . . how awesome would that be?!?!

Well, this week one of the ladies at work is retiring, so I have preparations for the party to complete, we have a quarterly luncheon with the Clerk, I have a birthday party in KC that I probably won't be able to attend, I'm possibly singing at church on Sunday morning and then going to see the Rolling Stones on Sunday evening. All in all, a very busy week - and I'd like nothing more than to curl up in a corner and sleep through it all!


At September 25, 2006 10:10 PM, Blogger Shane said...

Curling up and sleeping through life sounds good to me at the moment.

I'm exhausted.

At September 29, 2006 5:23 AM, Blogger Carolyn said...

Alaska is on top of my "To Do" list. MWS isn't. Sorry, Chas.

But I wouldn't let him deter me from a trip to Alaska.


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