I decided that I wouldn't watch this season of "The Apprentice" because of the unceremonious firing of the two best reasons to watch the show - George and Carolyn. However, due to a total lack of anything else on TV and my love of watching very intelligent people make complete fools of themselves, I ended up watching the season premiere. I don't know if I'll continue watching after tonight or not, but I definitely got to see smart people act very, very stupid.
After church and lunch, I went on a shopping spree and polished off the last of my Christmas gift cards. Earlier this week, I used the card that Candy gave me to buy "Be the Miracle" by Mark Lowry and "The Early Years" by dcTalk. The same day, I used a card that Mom and Dad got for me LAST year to get "Into White" by Carly Simon and "The Living Room Tour" by Carole King. The first two purchases are SOP for me, but the latter two are a bit out of the norm. Today, I used the William-Sonoma card that I received from Harold and Diane to get a Microplane Rasp Grater, a lovely bench scraper (it's very shiny) and a small vegetable chopper. I also hit Bed Bath and Beyond and got a salad bowl to take to work, Wal-Mart for workout clothes, a pedometer (1100+ steps since I got home) and two workout DVDs then Big Lots where I found 3 flexible cutting boards for $2. It was quite a day!
BTW, I do, indeed, see the irony in the fact that everything that I bought was either to lose weight or cook food. Look at it this way - if I cook it at home, I control the portions and ingredients and I don't have a deep fryer, so I won't be making french fries like McDonald's!
THAT is funny...either to cook food, or lose weight....LOLOL!
Good job sweetie! What DVD's did you get? Richard Simmons is still fun!
He's a greasy little fur ball.
Yes, he is, but he is a furball of awesomeness!!! I didn't get any Richard Simmons, though. I got a Denise Austin (the woman is a FREAK) walking dvd and a dancing dvd. Both of which I will only do in the privacy of my living room where no one will see me looking a fool.
BTW - pedometers suck. I'm pretty sure that it was giving me credit for breathing.
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