Inside the Mind

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Google THIS!

So, I had a dream last night that caused me to Google a few people from the past - just to see what they are up to. Most had appeared in the dream in some way and I woke feeling extremely unsettled. For those of you who have been around for a while, here is the latest info on Gary, Mark, Deanna and, finally, Jeanna Turner (she wasn't in the dream - I actually ran across her info by accident). Occasionally, I just start Googling and search every name that I can think of. You wouldn't believe the places one little Google can go! Sometimes, if I run across the email address of an old friend, I will send them a note - it's nice to surprise people every now and then.

Shane gets irritated with me because I tend to hold on to people. I think that part of it is a woman thing and part of it is a fear-of-letting-go thing. I tend to work hard on relationships that mean a lot to me (Randy, anyone?) - unfortunately, sometimes they mean more to me than the other person(umm. . . hello, Matthew). I have a habit of connecting with people (ok, guys in particular) who forget that I exist the moment that I step out of their view. Of course, I realize that this is a self-esteem issue as well - several years ago, the aforementioned Matt went on a 6 week mission trip and I was 100% convinced that he wouldn't remember me when he came back. Seriously. Of course, he did - although, he forgot to bring me the tulip bulbs that he promised me from Amsterdam. Promises never were his strong suit. Anyway, I just see myself as forgettable for some reason.

I seem to have wondered off track here. . . sometime, you should try Googling everyone you can think of - you can learn some important things! Always Google yourself, too - I found out that in FY 2006, Texas A & M University paid "Chasity Schoonover" $15.00. I don't recall receiving a check. . . dang Aggies.


At April 04, 2007 4:10 PM, Blogger Jody said...

I googled all of my names...nada...I'm even boring in cyberspace.


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