Inside the Mind

Friday, April 28, 2006

I found this picture of Princess Peanut the other day over at and put it on my wallpaper. My coworkers laughed and laughed because they said that if I ever get a puppy, this is the dog for me because we share an affinity for sparklies, fluffies and "frou-frou" things.

Here is Princess Peanut:

And here I am . . .

I don't really see the connection :-)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Good news -- DAD HAS A JOB!!!!! He was hired at one of the 1st places that was interested in him several weeks ago, McCormick-Armstrong. Back then, they told him that they were going to make him an offer and then decided not to fill the position at all. Fortunately, this afternoon, he interviewed at 1:30 and by 3:30, Mom called to tell me that he starts on Monday!!! Needless to say, we are very excited! Thank you all for praying for the past three months -- it has been a trying time, but God has blessed us - just like we knew He would.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Working for the Federal Court, I've seen a lot of interesting things during the last ten years. People do very strange things, but more often then not, it is the sentences that they receive that I find most interesting. For instance, a year or so ago, we had a defendant who was released on bond with several conditions of her release -- the first and foremost being "no sexual activities with animals (including dogs) and no training of animals to engage in such conduct." True story - I still have a copy of the court order. I've seen people sentenced to 10 years hard time, but the judge requests that they be placed in a facility with a good culinary program. I have a cousin who is one of the top high school culinary students in the county -- she'd love go get into a good program, but doesn't really want to sell methamphetamine or weapons in order to qualify. My very favorite sentence is one that we see very frequently in misdemeanor theft cases that come from the local army base. Apparently, theft is rampant at the base, most frequently, it takes the form of shoplifting from the PX. Usually, the defendants agree to pay a fine and court costs and to complete a course entitled "Shoplifting Alternatives." Think about that for a moment -- shoplifting alternatives. . . um, I have to think that the primary alternative to shoplifting is actually paying for things that you want. Seriously -- how long can that class take? I minored in psychology & understand that some people suffer from compulsive shoplifting and other behaviors, but 99% of the people who shoplift at the Fort Riley PX are probably not afflicted by OCD -- they're just cheap.

And that's my thought for the day. . .

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Ok, I had a nice, long post typed up earlier and when I tried to post it, got lost. Darn it. Oh, well - for today, this will have to suffice - mainly because I'm not sure that it won't end up lost, too!

Two days in a row - it's a miracle :-). Church this morning was very interesting. We sang one of my favorite choruses, "We Fall Down." Then, the youth minister filled in for the senior pastor and continued the "Game of Life" sermon series with a sermon that had absolutely nothing to do with the board game "Life." Today's sermon was all about the game "Operation" and how we should be like Cavity Sam (it's a long story -- very, very long). It was interesting, but the most interesting part was the invitation when the normally great music minister completely butchered the song "Above All." I swear he just sang random lines from the first and second stanzas with a few lines of the chorus thrown in. Candy & I just kept looking at each other thinking "hmmm I've never heard that version before!"

After lunch at Carlos O'Kelley's, I came home and finished what should be the last of my homework -- EVER! Graduation is still 3 weeks away, but I've wrapped up two of my three classes & polished off what should be the last of the third class. I'm not quite sure what to do with my spare time now :-).

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ok, ok, ok, I have NOT, as previously theorized, forgotten where my blog lives -- I just haven't had much to say. As Rich said, there is just not anything going on inside my mind :-) Hopefully, I'll get back into the habit of posting a bit more regularly, but no promises!